Tux Cube is a state-of-the-art piece of software that aims to virtually recreate a Rubik’s cube in its entirety. The software confers the user full control over cubes of different sizes, on top of offering a myriad of useful and fun features. For example, the program can automatically scramble and solve cubes with the press of a button, and the solving process can be iterated upon either movement by movement, or be done automatically by the software. For added convenience, the product comes equipped with a save and load mechanism, for when the user wants to take a breath and continue to fiddle with their cube at a later time. It is also possible to individually modify each facet of a 2x2 or 3x3 cube so that the program solves it with no prior knowledge of the moves applied to the cube. Finally, the user can put their skills to the test with the integrated time trial mode, which also keeps track of their best performances and averages on the different sizes of cubes.